Tulliallan Kirkyard Records


The Restoration of Tulliallan Kirkyard
by William E Wolsey

The reinstatement and re-establishment of the fallen, buried and sunken tombstones of Tulliallan Kirkyard was carried out by myself and William Anderson of the Kincardine Local History Group. I would like to make clear that without the practical help and innovative skills of Mr Anderson I would never have attempted this task.

William Anderson and William Wolsey (right) restoring Tulliallan Kirkyard

William Anderson and William Wolsey (right)

Work on the 17th and 18th-century stones was rewarding and comparatively straight forward but many of the 19th-century monuments were balanced on brick supports which were disintegrating and had become extremely insecure. In the interests of general safety it was necessary to rectify this situation and to install concrete bases. Funds for the purchase of sand, gravel and cement for these repairs were made available from the ‘Loutit Bequest Fund’, the late Captain Loutit having left a legacy to be used for the maintenance of the family graves and for keeping Tulliallan Kirkyard tidy.

Tulliallan Kirkyard after its restoration

Tulliallan Kirkyard after its restoration

Particular acknowledgement is made for the extreme generosity of the ‘Sir Harold Mitchell Foundation Trust’ for financing the professional services of Watson Stonecraft for the restoration of broken and damaged stones.
Last but not least I would wish to express grateful appreciation to my daughter Shirley for the tedious work of transcribing and setting out the information for publication.

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