Stone Type:- |
- Upright
Stone Dimensions:- |
- 111cm High
- 70cm Wide
- 15cm Thick
Top Face:- |
- "My glass is run and yours is running, Mind death for judgements
coming"; 3 rooms;
South Face:- |
- None
East Face:- |
- 1787; This stone was erected by DAVID SHEPHERD in memory of his father and
his own children viz; JOHN who died the 16th February 1773 aged 21 days; DAVID
who died the 10th Novr 1773 aged 2 years 7 months & 21 days; WILLIAM who
died the 7th Febry 1781 aged 2 years 5 weeks.
West Face:- |
Emblems:- |
- Tree of knowledge with serpent entwined; Scyth, broom, rake & spade
(gardeners' tools); Crossed bones; " None can - Few know" (Quotation
from Milton's 'Paradise Lost').
Image:- |