East Face:- |
- To the memory of Mrs CATHERINE MUIR spouse of Mr THOMAS MATTHEW and daughter of the late Mr JOHN MUIR Merchant, Glasgow. Born 21 Sept 1785, married 7th Sept 1807 and died 13th Octr 1830 leaving eight children and her husband to lament her loss
And JANE MATTHEW their daughter who died 16th May 1831 aged 19 years.
THOs MUIR MATTHEW their eldest son born 25th June 1814 drowned near Belfast 24th May 1833
ELIZABETH their eldest daughter born 25th July 1808 died 29th May 1834
Also of THOMAS MATTHEW who died 24th June 1866 in the 91st year of his age.
CATHERINE ANGUS STANHOUSE widow of THOMAS MATTHEW who died 27th July 1900 in the 93rd year of her age.
"I am the Resurrection and the Life"