Reference 381 (M370)

Stone Type:-
Stone Dimensions:-
63cm High
99cm Wide
182cm Long
Top Face:-
RC MB 1778
In memory of MARGARET DRUMMOND died 30th May 1882 aged 61 years wife of ROBERT CUMMING died 30th March 1897 aged 76 years
Also JANET CUMMING their daughter died 29th January 1912 aged 53 years and MARGARET who died 5th March 1921 aged 68 years.

Job. Chap XIX 25 Vers
For I know that my redeemer liveth & that he shall at the latter day stand upon the earth.
V26 And though after my skin worms destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God.
South Face:-
East Leg Emblems:-
Cordiner's Knife;
West Leg Emblems:-
Maltster's broom & Shovel
Image 1:-
Image 2:-

Notes:- Legs are of different design and are not a matching pair

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