Reference 350 (M329)

Stone Type:-
Stone Dimensions:-
58cm High
101cm Wide
202cm Long
Top Face:-
Here lyeth the bodies of ALEXANDER SCOTLAND born December 1740
Died September 1747. WILLIAM SCOTLAND born September 1741
Died December 1747. GUTHIE SCOTLAND born ???? 1744
Died ???ember 1747. ???? SCOTLAND born ???? 1747
Died March 1750. ???? ???? SCOTLAND born 17?1
Died July 1752. MARGARET SCOTLAND born 2 April 1747
Died May 11 1755. ELIZABETH ???? ????
South Face:-
East Leg Emblems:-
Hourlgass on its side; Skull; Crossed bones;
West Leg Emblems:-
Single masted ship; Main sail with Gaff & boom; 2 Fore sails; Flag flying with the wind;
Image 1:-
Image 2:-

Notes:- None

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