Stone Type:- |
- Upright
Stone Dimensions:- |
- 91cm High
- 89cm Wide
- 10cm Thick
Top Face:- |
- 3l
South Face:- |
- None
East Face:- |
- Erected by MARGARET BRAND in memory of her husband JOHN BURNS who died 31st July 1870 aged 71 years.
Also their son ROBERT who died 15th March 1835 aged 7 years
MARGARET BRAND died 18th February 1891 aged 91 years.
ELIZABETH MARSHALL BURNS their granddaughter died 23rd April 1908 aged 49 years
West Face:- |
Emblems:- |
- 2 Spirals at top corners and centre pillar; Crown & hammer; Heart over scythe & dart; Skull;
"This our privalidge, this our badge."
Image:- |