Stone Type:- |
- Upright
Stone Dimensions:- |
- 97cm High
- 61cm Wide
- 15cm Thick
North Face:- |
- None
South Face:- |
- None
East Face:- |
- 1787
Here lyes the body of JOHN JAMESON who lived by the dea and died by the land the 6th August 1784 aged 15 years.
"With trouble sore I vexed was"
"Physicians were in vain"
"Till God was pleased to call me hence"
"And cure me of my pain"
West Face:- |
Emblems:- |
- Single masted ship with main sail; Gaff & boom; 2 fore sails; Flag with the wind; Crossed bones; Hourglass on its side;
Image:- |