Stone Type:- |
- Table Stone
Stone Dimensions:- |
- 63cm High
- 96cm Wide
- 184cm Long
Top Face:- |
- Here lyeth the corps of JOHN SCOTLAND, son to WILLIAM SCOTLAND, shipmaster in Kincardine and JANET DEWAR. He dyed the 20th August 1758 aged 20 years.
"Tho' Boreas blasts and Neptune's waves"
"Have tosed me to and fro"
"Yet by the provedance of God"
"I harbour here below"
"And here at anchor I shall ly"
"With all our glorious fleet"
"Before the time we get the call"
"Our Admerl Christ to meet".
South Face:- |
- None
East Leg:- |
- Skull; Crossed bones; Hourglass on its side;
West Leg:- |
- Single mastered ship; 2 foresails; main sail with boom & gaff; flag flying against the wind;
Emblems:- |
- None
Image:- |