Stone Type:- |
- Upright
Stone Dimensions:- |
- 94cm High
- 79cm Wide
- 18cm Thick
North Face:- |
- None
South Face:- |
- None
East Face:- |
- Erected by ROBt DRYSDALE shipowner Kincardine and his spouse EUPHEN
DRYSDALE in memory of their daughter HELLEN who died 10th March 1808 aged 4
West Face:- |
- 1760 WD AP; Sacred to the memory of WILLm DRYSDALE who was lost at sea 2nd
Novr 1774 aged 37 years; ISABELLA PRIMROSE his spouse who died 23 March 1807
aged 73 years interred here their son WILLm who was lost at sea 2 Jany 1784 aged
16 years.
Emblems:- |
- Spirals in top corners.
Image:- |
- Not Available